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Shocking Truth about Christianity & Mystery Cults | M. David Litwa
How Greek Mystery Cults Shaped Christianity | Dr. M. David Litwa
The Ancient Greek Mysteries & Christianity
Behold I Tell You A Mystery | Christianity the Mystery Cult With M. David Litwa PhD
Christianity is a Hellenized Mystery Religion
The Gnostic Creator God The Demiurge - Dr. M. David Litwa
How Scholars Know Jesus Lived - Dr. M. David Litwa
Asking Dr. M. David Litwa about Philo’s influence on early Christianity..
The Evil Creator: Origins of An Early Christian Idea: Dr. M. David Litwa
Celsus: The Hitchens before Hitchens
Shocking Comparison of Jesus and Greco-Roman Myths
1st Century World of Saviors & Mystery Cults